Unfinished Impact

Have a potentially impactful project you can no longer work on or are stuck with?

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Small but potentially impactful such as official petitions, surveys or other opportunities delivered automatically to your mailbox
All Causes

Initiatives like the one above often require a lot of people to show their support for an idea. For potentially impactful initiatives, like in the animal welfare space, these must reach a broad audience. The tool is essentially nothing more than a newsletter sharing opportunities like these that take just a few minutes, if that much. ...
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L-risk calculators

All Causes

The calculators exist, and I'm still working on them, but will need to step back fairly substantially in favour of paid work. I've nearly completed a post introducing them to the forum (see draft at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NLcRfpI13hGc6LaWgL8oCCueWMl6BK3qV0xpdbx16pQ/ - comments welcome). This includes a project roadmap at the bottom, for if anyone has time to continue enhancing it. ...
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Food stockpiling as a GCR intervention

Global Priorities Research

In my opinion the relevant research to be done is into the minimum cost per person-year of stored food, properly accounting for storage costs, interest rates, spoilage etc, to see if this is really viable. There are other angles you could also look at like how to deal with distribution, or how to pitch this idea to governments. ...
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Victim coordination website

Letting isolated victims coordinate coming forward together
Mental Health & Wellbeing

I have thought out a collection of mechanism (for a site) that lets victims coordinate this anonymously, you can find it here: https://bobjacobs.substack.com/p/victim-coordination-website However, I'm not a programmer so I don't know how to program the actual website. The person working on this project should have some coding skills to make the website, and having mechanism-design knowledge would be a nice bonus to spot potential improvements to this mechanism. ...
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